Samuel Estates is an independent estate agent and property management company, based in South West London. Whether it’s the street just outside our offices or the London boroughs we’re located in, we are committed to aiding and improving the communities we work in.
As such, we are committed to managing our operations in a sustainable and responsible manner. We want to ensure that the way we go about our day-to-day activities reflects our commitment to reducing any negative impact on the environment. This policy sets out our ambition to continuously improve our environmental performance and to encourage responsible behaviour from our staff, suppliers and customers. At the same time, we will ensure compliance with all relevant environmental legislation and challenge ourselves to achieve best practice.
Our goals for improving our environmental performance are as follows:
- Ensure compliance with all relevant environmental legislation
- Increase our staff, supplier and customer awareness of environmental issues
- Reduce energy consumption associated with lighting, heating and office equipment
- Reduce the volume of waste produced and increase the rate of re-use and recycling
- Reduce water consumption associated with general business operations and
- Implement sustainable travel management initiatives where possible.
We aim to achieve these goals through the following measures:
- Communicating this environmental policy to staff, suppliers and customers, and reviewing the specific aims and objectives on an annual basis
- Improving day-to-day management and control of equipment to ensure it is running as efficiently as possible
- When purchasing new equipment, choosing the most energy and water-efficient options where possible
- Retrofitting energy and water-saving devices, where possible
- Arranging for specialist lighting surveys to be carried out and implementing energy-efficient recommendations where possible
- Implementing alternative waste management options, in line with the waste hierarchy (reduce, reuse, recycle) and
- Improving vehicle efficiency and safety, optimising fleet journeys and optimising driver efficiency and safety.
For more information please get in touch with us.